Saturday, August 6, 2011


Alright.  This is attempt #1 at creating a blog.  As Nicole and I have recently gotten engaged, I thought it might be fun to document this little journey of wedding planning we're about to embark on.  So far the wedding planning process sounds like an incredible amount of choices.  Not my strong suit.  It's funny, I'd have guessed before that the most important choice one would make would be the one where you decide who to marry.  As it turns out, that choice is really just like pot.  It's a gateway choice.  It leads to thousands of other choices and before you know it the choices take over.  One minute you're in control, the next you're just a chooser.  It's everything.  And choosing on the weekends won't satisfy the need.  It creeps into the weekdays, the work hours, sometimes even before work.
I dont even remember life before choices now. 
Today we're going to look at rings.  This is our second trip and we've got some good ideas now.  I had no idea the options that were available.  (And by "options that were available" I mean "how much this is going to cost.")  But the fact that she's worth every penny doesnt hurt.  Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck with the rings. And with all of the other decisions down the road.

  2. I dig the straight forward "life and stuff." And "who to marry" as the "gateway choice". LOL You have no idea how true that is. And the choices get harder and riskier indeed!
